  • 會議論文


The noise analysis evaluation form large circle experimental zone


建置環形實驗場所的噪音危害暴露評估,將有助於該作業場所研究人員,避免因噪音暴露而導致聽力損失之職業傷害發生,並依分析評估結果做為改善噪音環境的依據。環形建築物周長120公尺,由環形中心截面切出24座的實驗站,每一個實驗站皆有不同的噪音來源(幫浦、冷卻系統、電腦伺服器等),使用噪音計(SL-4023SD量測)初步以距離噪音源1公尺高度120公分,量測場所內的各噪音源分佈位置與噪音量,然後再利用噪音頻譜分析儀器(SVAN 971),針對主要明顯噪音源,找出各實驗站噪音源特性,分析噪音頻率高低以評估改善方式。依初步量測結果,發掘各實驗站主要噪音源為幫浦所產生,使用1/1八音幅頻帶、1/3八音幅頻帶,以距離噪音源15cm內量測噪音1~2分鐘的頻率與音量大小。由量測結果顯示,因實驗場所中的幫浦種類不多,頻率都屬於低於1000Hz的低頻噪音(20Hz~2000Hz),整個環形環境有80台,平均約在67~78分貝,但是多台幫浦同時運轉,會產生累加性的噪音量超過80分貝,因此評估可從大量且產生低頻噪音源幫浦,進行改善為首要減噪的目標。找出各種噪音源的頻率分佈後,尋找適合該頻率之遮音材質,例如低頻噪音源幫浦因波長較長,使用密度較高硬性的隔音棉,並且可依據不同低頻率減噪的效果,採用不同厚度的隔音棉,而高頻噪音源波長較短,使用波浪型隔音棉即具有改善效果,可用最佳化與成本考量將噪音源降低至60分貝以下,營造一個可專心研究的環境。


The noise exposure assessment from large circle experimental zone in Taiwan that could provide a plan to protect labor hearing and then avoid cause occupational diseases. The circle building had 120m circumference, and 24 straight line experimental stations of section. Each experimental station had different noise source (vacuum pumps, cooling system, computer server, etc.). Used noise meter (SL-4023SD) measure noise by 120cm high and 1m distance from noise source in circle building. Then we measured noise frequency (SVAN 971) and tried to find different frequency noise source, that could reduce louder noise source step by step. We found experimental stations main noise source from more low-frequency vacuum pumps by 1/1 octave bands and 1/3 octave bands measuring for 15cm distance between 1~2 minute. The noise between 67~78 decibels were in circle experimental zone from low-frequency pump, where noise levels exceeded 80 decibels by 80 pumps operation at the same time. Therefore, the first improved noise target was reduced pump noise. The low-frequency pump improved methods that could use flat soundproof cotton, and high-frequency noise source sue wave type soundproof cotton. By the way, the noise source could be reduced to less than 60 decibels with optimization and cost considerations. Then created an environment where you could concentrate on your research.
