  • 期刊


A Study of Data Analysis of The UFA League Between Divisions and The Phase of Goal




Purpose: This study was to investigate the relative of the number of goal affecting by different division (3 divisions) and time (8 phases) or not. Hoping all division's coach can arrange plan, pre-game training and dispatch by this research. Method: Author collected and analyzed data which including 1st division's games (8 teams), 2nd division's game (18 teams) and 3rd division's game (33 teams) from 2016/17 UFA League. Author observed the effect of goal between team and phase by using Two -way ANOVA with SPSS. Result: First, the number of goals have Statistical significance in all division, the 1st division's goal phase of game (avg. goal per phase of game= 0.29) is significantly higher than 3rd division (avg. goal per phase of game= 0.21). Second, the time of goals and the number of goals have Statistical significance, the number of time o f goals which phase 4 and 8 (avg. goal per game= 0.01 and 0.06) are significantly lower than phase 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 (avg. goal per game= 0.26, 0.29, 0.29, 0.32, 0.26, and 0.36, respectively) and the Statistical significance doesn't exist in the other time of goal. Conclusion: However, injury time has least goal showing in the study, but we can't neglect how important is. It is also worth to do more research and discussion in the future.


Soccer Average score per game Injury time


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