  • 期刊


Control Methods and Improvement Measures on Low Frequency Noise Produced by Freeway and Expressway Expansion Joints


本研究探討高架段不同類型伸縮縫所產生低頻噪音音量及其伸縮縫與衝擊音的特性,藉由現地量測數據結果,提供相關單位管制及改善之參考。量測結果顯示,模組型伸縮縫低頻噪音音量皆大於寬齒型伸縮縫,現地量測數據部份超出國內外低頻噪音管制標準或建議值。無論在高速公路及快速道路,有伸縮縫處較無伸縮縫處低頻貢獻量約多5%。未來若需進行管制,考量伸縮縫噪音低頻及衝擊之特性,建議可參考噪音管制標準之管制方式,以低頻均能音量分時段管制或以最大音量(L(subscript max))進行管制,或參考陸上運輸系統管制標準針對伸縮縫處以L(subscript max,mean,1h)進行,並以未加權針對伸縮縫噪音進行量測及管制。在伸縮縫減低噪音部分,可以使用吸音式的填充材料去除伸縮縫下方的空腔部分,並且用包覆的形式將伸縮縫給包覆起來,減少伸縮縫噪音的傳遞,並且在模組型伸縮縫損壞時,更換為噪音問題較小的寬齒型伸縮縫,降低附近民眾的噪音問題,提升其生活品質。


In this study, low frequency noise measurement for overpass expansion joints on freeways and expressways were investigated by the proposal of control methods and improvement measures. The on-site monitoring results reveal that the low frequency noise of module expansion joints is higher than that of finger expansion joints. Some measurements of low frequency noise even exceed the criteria and recommended values in Taiwan and other countries. Results also show that expansion joints contributed additional 5% low frequency noise on the freeway and expressway. Since low frequency noise produced by expansion joints is impulsive, L(subscript max) and L(subscriptmax,mean,1h) with flat weighting can be considered for the measurement and management on low frequency noise of expansion joints. To control the noise produced by expansion joints, the cavity spaces under expansion joints are suggested to be filled and covered with noise-absorbing materials to reduce noise transmission. Additionally, low-noise finger expansion joints could be a good substitute for module expansion joints to lower the expansion joint noise so as to improve the living quality of residents.
