  • 期刊


Study on forming interior spiral tube by pulsed electrochemical machining


內螺旋管廣泛應用於花鍵,武器,航太,石油及天然氣用之螺旋定子,由於其材料為難加工材且外形需求特殊,故不易由傳統機械加工製作。然而,脈衝電化學加工(Pulsed electrochemical machining, PECM)具有好的表面品質、無應力、刀具不耗損以及不限材料硬度之優點,故合適於製作難加工材之內螺旋管。本研究於自行開發之桌上型電化學加工設備,使用工件材料為SUJ2軸承鋼下,進行脈衝電化學加工於內螺旋溝槽成形製程參數研究,在選擇具不同水準之4種加工參數下(電壓、電解液壓力、占空比、脈衝週期),研究脈衝電化學加工用於製作內螺紋溝槽的平行性,結果顯示在電壓12V、加工時間3min、占空比50%、Period0.1ms、電解液壓力20psi下可得到溝槽深度0.122n=mm、e. 溝槽寬度1.576mm及5.28^0螺旋角之SUJ2內螺旋管。


The spiral tube is widely used in splines, weapons, aerospace, oil and gas with the spiral stator, because of its difficult to process materials and shape needs special, it is not easy by the traditional mechanical processing. However, the pulsed electrochemical machining has good surface quality, no stress, the tool no wear and the advantages of unlimited hardness of materials; it is suitable for the production of hard materials within the inner spiral tube. The four selected parameters (Voltage, electrolyte flow rate, duty cycle, pulse period) with different levels were carried out to study the process of PECM inner spiral grooves on SUJ2 bearing steel tube. The experimental results show that pulsed electrochemical machining has great potential for the fabrication of inner spiral groove. In the condition of 12V applied voltage, 3min machining time, 50% duty cycle, 1ms pulse period, 10wt% and 20 psi electrolyte pressure, an inner spiral groove that is 340 μm in depth and 263 μm in width was fabricated on a SUJ2 bearing steel tube.
