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Preliminary Study on the Change of Landscape and Ecology in Sitou Tract of NTU Experimental Forest





Due to natural disasters and human disturbances in recent years, the landscape in Central Taiwan suffered certain kind of changes. In particular, landslides caused by earthquake and heavy rainfall, improper use and development in hill slope areas enlarge and speed up the change of forest landscape. Several studies on the change of forest landscape by integrating remotely sensed data and Geographic Information System (GIS) informatics were published after the great Chi-Chi earthquake in 1999 and Typhoon Toraji in 2001. However, few studies were focused on the interactions and relationships between change of ecosystem and landscape. In this paper, a pioneering research is accomplished by using Landscape Pattern Metrics (LPM) derived from Satellite Imagery and GIS spatial coverage to model the possible pattern of change between landscape and ecology. Located at the mountainous area in central Taiwan, ranging from 800 to 1,800 meter and comprising 2,349 hectares in size, Sitou Tract of the National Taiwan University Experimental Forest is selected as the study site. Three FORMOSAT II images through 2004 to 2006 are used to compute LPM and analyzed with ecological investigation collected from seven ground sample sites. The preliminary result shows that by using remotely sensed data and ground investigation, it is feasible to monitor and assess the relationship between change of landscape and ecology in forests. It indicates that the recovery and restoration of vegetation after the human and natural disturbances highly correlates with the value of NDVI (Normalized Differential Vegetation Index), bird composition and diversity are highly correlated with the diversity of patches. The values of SHDI(Shannon Diversity Index), SIDI(Simpson Diversity Index), SHEI(Shannon Evenness Index) and SIEI (Simpson Evenness Index) show that the diversity of landscape is growing while the evenness of landscape remains stable from 2004 to 2006. The proof for the obvious relationship between the change of ecology and landscape metrics is yet to be verified by subsequent ecological investigations.
