  • 期刊


The Effects of Musical Movement for School Children with Visual Impairment on Balance Performance


本研究探討音樂律動對促進三名國小視覺障礙學童平衡能力之成效,採單一受試之A-B-M,分為基線期、介入期與維持期,利用視覺分析及C統計做自料分析,使用「計時起立走」測量動態平衡與「睜眼單腳站立」測量靜態平衡為研究工具。研究結果發現:一、音樂律動介入對國小視覺障礙學童靜態平衡能力的數據表現皆有良好的介入和維持效果;二、受試者A動態平衡未達顯著水準,原因為計時起立走為日常生活中的動作且受試者A此項能力表現平均秒數7.5秒,能於10秒內完成測驗,表示身體狀況良好(Mathias, Nayak, & Isaacs, 1986),故雖有進步,但無法達到顯著效果;三、受試者B本身靜態平衡能力平均秒數20.6秒,為國小男生平均秒數,故本身靜態平衡能力表現中等,表現數據雖有進步,但未達顯著效果。


Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of musical movement on balance performance to three elementary school children with visual impairment. Methods: The A-B-M design of single subject experimemtal was conducted. Visual analysis and C statistics were used to analyse the data. Conclusion: Results of this study are summarised as follows: 1. The musical movement courses had significant effects on students' balance performance both in intervention and maintenance stage. 2. Subject A did not meet remarkable standard on dynamic balancing because timed up and go test (TUGT) was an action in daily life. Subject A showed an average of 7.5 seconds of this ability. The test was completed within 10 seconds, indicating that the physical condition was good (Mathias, Nayak, & Isaacs, 1986). Even though he made progress, but it was not remarkable. 3. Subject B's static balance ability averages 20.6 seconds, which is the average number of seconds for the elementary school boys, so the static balance ability is medium. Though the data was better, it was not remarkable.
