  • 期刊


Incorporating English Drama Into English Language Teaching


目前在學校的英語教學環境裡,老師們所面對的一個共同的問題,就是學生的英語程度有逐年下降的趨勢。如何面對這種現象,老師要如何改變面對學生的心態,以及如何尋找出不同的教學方法,以適應這種學生英語程度下降的趨勢,幫助學生找回對學習英語的興趣。而非運用圓高中時填鴨式的方法,只爲了幫助學生能考過英語證照、通過考試爲目的。 本文研討的主要目的,是要運用一般話劇演出的教學機會,指導學生在劇本的編寫上,將一般時尚生活的小故事,及一些日常生活中的幽默點滴,納入劇本中。若能將英語話劇改變爲更貼近生活化,在話劇的排練中,結合英語教學的課程,教導學生會話及發音的練習。如此可以誘導同學們因爲對戲劇的喜好,使同學們藉著演出而獲得更多接觸學習英語的機會,進而啟發同學們對學習英語的興趣。


One major issue on English language teaching (ELT) is that the academic language proficiency of the learners has been declining in Taiwan (洪東正, 2008). The learners in Ling Tung University (LTD) were directed to approach drama techniques which provided a listening context and meaningful language production to stimulate their potentialities of using language resources. Combined with the scripts adapted from authentic daily experience along with rehearsing for the drama performance and English course learning, the learners were instructed in conversation and pronunciation drills. Through fear, shyness, passiveness, insufficient confidence transforming into full-fledged ideas, emotions, feelings appropriateness and adaptability, the learners have been requiring a wider option of learner-centered activities. Furthermore, the learners have developed and enhanced their real communicative skills to face their immediate world as a better competent English language user because of their having an operational chance to use the language (Maley & Duff, 1982). This study not only facilitated the learners much access to English exercise, but also inspired their interests in English language learning (ELL) by means of their loving in drama activities. The significance can be seriously taken into consideration for pedagogical application.


ELT drama techniques learner-centered activities ELL


Abe, K. (2013). 畢業公演對大專生英語學習與認知之影響 [master's thesis, Chung Yuan Christian University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201300509
