  • 期刊


Job Satisfaction among Care Assistants in Nursing Homes: An Exploratory Study Conducted in Three Cities in Southern Taiwan


在長期照護市場中,護理之家是機構式照護主力。病患服務員在護理之家則是主要工作人力,所提供的照護以個人照護(personal care)為主,工作量大,與病患及家屬接觸頻繁,是值得備受關注的一群。他們的照護品質被認為是與他們的工作滿足感和工作經驗息息相關。因此,為加強競爭力及照護品質,護理之家應注重員工本身的工作滿意度,尤其是由所佔大宗的病患服務員著手。基於此一理念,本研究之主要目的擬探究當今護理之家病患服務員工作滿意度與其影響因素。本研究選取南部地區三個主要城市17所立案護理之家機構為研究對象,共隨機抽取病患服務員樣本244人,並採結構式自填問卷進行資料收集。研究結果發現,病患服務員的工作滿意度確實受到組織中某些個人特性因素和工作特性因素所影響。由迴歸分析得到在個人特性因素方面,婚姻狀態、專職或兼職、照護工作年資等均為顯著影響工作滿意度的個人特性因素;而在工作特性方面,對這份工作的感覺、辭職念頭、工作指派與績效獎金公平性,也有顯著影響。 本研究結論可以提供護理之家在用人及經營管理上的參考啟示,希望進而對護理之家之經營管理及長期照護品質提升有所貢獻。


Nursing homes are one of the main care-giving institutions in the long-term care market. Care assistants comprise an important part of the work force in nursing homes. They provide personal care to elderly patients on a daily basis and interact frequently with patients' families, and therefore they merit attention from nursing home administrators. Not only their job experience but also their job satisfaction impacts the quality of care they provide. Therefore, to insure the competence and care quality of nursing homes, administrators should focus on the job satisfaction of their care assistants and other related issues. This study was conducted to explore the factors which influence job satisfaction among care assistants in nursing homes. Seventeen registered nursing homes were chosen among three main southern cities in Taiwan from which 244 care assistant samples were selected. A self-administered, structured job satisfaction questionnaire of care assistants was used to collect data for analysis. The results showed that the job satisfaction among care assistants in nursing homes was evidently influenced by some individual demographic factors such as marital status, whether the individual worked full time or part time, and the job tenure in the nursing home. Among others, job-related factors included individual feelings about the job, the intention to quit employment, the fairness of work assignments, and performance rewards. These findings may be used as important references for nursing home administrators, and may contribute to the improvement of quality of long term care in general.


care assistant job satisfaction nursing home


