  • 期刊

Training Strategic Reading for Pre-Service English Teachers



在過去幾十年間,許多的研究顯示英語課堂上的閱讀策略教學可促進學生的閱讀理解能力。然而,閱讀策略教學是一項複雜的課題。教師本身是否具備足夠策略閱讀能力則在實施有效的閱讀策略教學時扮演舉足輕重的角色。 本研究的目的在於探討種子英語教師策略閱讀訓練之成效並透過訪談了解其對策略閱讀訓練之觀感。本研究採準實驗設計而對象為四十八名參加南部一所大學中等教師英語第二專長培訓課程之學員。結果顯示經過十六週的訓練,種子教師認為策略閱讀訓練課程對其閱讀能力之提升以及實行閱讀策略教學細則之了解有很大的助益。本研究建議策略閱讀訓練應納入英語師資培訓課中以培養種子教師必備的閱讀教學技能。


In the past decades, a large amount of research has demonstrated that reading strategy instruction in language classrooms is able to facilitate students' reading comprehension. However, teaching strategic reading is a complex issue. Whether or not teachers have sufficient knowledge of strategic competence plays a crucial role in implementing effective reading strategy instruction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of training strategic reading for pre-service English teachers and it was also aimed to probe their perspectives of such instruction through interviews. This study adopted a quasi-experimental design and the participants were 48 pre-service English teachers who enrolled in the Program of Second Specialty Training for Secondary English Teachers at a university southern Taiwan. The results of this study demonstrated that the prospective teachers considered the teaching of strategic reading instruction beneficial to their reading comprehension and it also helped them become well-equipped for their future implementation of reading strategy instruction. It was suggested that teaching strategic reading should be incorporated into teacher training programs to cultivate the know-how of reading instruction for pre-service English teachers.


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