  • 期刊


Evaluation on the Building Energy-Saving Effect of a Convenient Store in Taiwan


本研究使用建築能耗分析模型(EnergyPlus Model)來模擬評估一實際便利商店建築之全年能耗,進行建築耗能特性及建築能耗強度(Energy Use Intensity, EUI)分析,並與台電提供之實際電費比較,進行模型輸入參數校準,再導入各項節能策略以評估我國便利超商之節能效益。模擬結果顯示,冷凍冷藏設備耗電量為最高,占了全店總耗電量50%以上,因此若以此項為節電重點,將可得到較大之節能減碳效益,若可以將冷凍冷藏設備用電密度減少10%,則可節省6.88%的總電力消耗,達到此目的的方法,建議可採用高效率的設備與使用變頻控制等。在室內照明用電部分,建議可採用高效率的照明設備與關閉不要的照明設施等,如此全年總耗電量可再節省3.86%。在建築外殼改善部分,因為本便利超商位於大樓角間位置,西面與南面為大面積玻璃窗戶與門,加上西面有西曬的問題,若是將玻璃全都加上隔熱貼膜,使得太陽得熱系數SHGC(Solar Heat Gain Coefficient)由0.764將至0.345,如此全年總耗電量可再節省0.22%,共節省了10.96%的電力消耗。


This study used a whole building energy simulation program (EnergyPlus) to evaluate the annual energy consumption of one actual convenient store in Taiwan, and the characteristics of energy consumption and energy use intensity (EUI) were analyzed. The simulation results were also compared to the electric bill provided by Taipower to calibrate the input parameters of EnergyPlus model, and then import the energy saving policy to assess the energy efficiency of convenient stores. Simulation results show that the power consumption of refrigeration equipment is the highest, if the power density of refrigeration equipment can be reduced by 10%, 6.88% of total electricity consumption can be saved. The recommended methods to achieve this purpose are the use of high efficiency equipment and variable-frequency control. Furthermore, if import more efficient lighting equipment like LED and use heat insulation film on the windows, 10.96% of total electricity consumption can be saved.


convenient store energy-saving EnergyPlus
