  • 期刊

The Integration of Multimedia Teaching Materials into Elementary Teaching Materials Design: A Case Study



多媒體的組成要素包含「文字」、「圖片」、「聲音」、「影像」、和「動畫」,藉由豐富多采多姿的多媒體教材設計,可以讓國中、國小學生對學習英文產生高度興趣,提昇學習效果。 本國小英語教學多媒體活動設計的內容主要分爲「教材製作」、「繪本教學」、「主題式教學」、及「茄苳國小英語實習」等四大單元。其中更依據適合國小學生的英語教學素材設計出五種不同內容的動畫教材。最後再由實習老師到新竹茄苳國小實地進行實際教學活動。 本國小英語教學多媒體活動設計達成以下目標如下:(1)培養外文系學生嫻熟的英語教學技巧,使其具備未來有志從事國中、小學英語教學之能力;(2)訓練學生將學習理念與技巧運用在教學實務上,(3)協助茄苳國小學生,實際的英文教學活動,並增加外文系學生的實際教學經驗。使用多媒體上課狀況的調查成果則會在未來進一步加以研究。




The animation teaching material is presented in several different methods. For example, we can use flash animation software to coordinate words, pictures and sounds, making it a more colorful animation. In this way, it may increase the elementary student's interest and encourage English learning in a fun way. The teacher puts the animation content in the ”exercise area” on the university e-campus making it possible to utilize this content as a guideline, either for setting up a curriculum, teaching material, topic, or even design. Utilizing animation teaching material as suggested in this paper may transform activities and enhance teaching quality. With this curriculum, junior and senior students are expected to achieve the following goals: (1) Through this curriculum, they can learn ideas and concepts of techniques that may be useful. (2) By implementing ”Jia Dong Elementary practice,” the teaching field comes alive by applying experiences into teaching as it helps upper class students achieve language learning goals. In this paper, the author describes the process of designing multimedia materials for student teachers. The survey of how elementary students work in the classroom can be referred to a future research paper.


