  • 期刊


Four Dimensions of Primitive Viewpoint of Life and Its Myth




In this article, the author calls thinking about life in myths ”the primitive view of life” to differ from the viewpoint of life established by relational analyses. This kind of life viewpoint, with features such as Primal poetic and Universismus, represents thinking patterns such as no borders between things and oneself and all things own individual spirits. Essays that analyze simplex theme myths with achievements of myth philosophy studies were few. Arguments integrated myths with systematized life viewpoints to represent complete outlooks were even more deficient. The author also attempts to integrate myths into systematically primitive viewpoints of life and to arrange a entire composition including discovery, birth, rhythm and transcendence of life with limited length. This article is divided into four parts, ”The phenomenon of life and death: Pan-Gu(盤谷) myths and implications of time”, ”The power of birth: Thinking patterns of life explained by sun”, ”The rhythm of life: Myths of seasons and its ceremonies”, ”The transcendence of death: The undead trees and the phoenix”.
