  • 期刊


The Interference of Foreign Shipping on China Seas by the ROC Armed Forces during the Period of "Neutralization of the Straits of Formosa", 1950-1952


1950年6月,韓戰爆發,美國派兵介入臺海,一方面協防臺灣,一方面也制止中華民國政府對中國大陸發動任何軍事手段,包括所謂「關閉政策」-以海空兵力制止船舶進出「匪區」港口-在內,史稱「臺海中立(neutralization of the Straits of Formosa)」。然而,中華民國政府雖然接受美國的要求,下令暫停實施「關閉」,但是在臺海中立期間,國軍以及效忠於中華民國的反共游擊隊阻撓、干涉臺海周邊航運活動的案例,卻仍層出不窮。 本文以臺海中立啟始以迄1952年底,外籍船舶遭國軍及游擊隊干涉的案例,探討此一時期中華民國政府持續干涉海上航運活動的情形及其曲折。筆者認為:此種陽奉陰違的現象,主要的導因在於國際政治考量與戰略手段之間的矛盾;聯合國於1951年5月所通過的對北韓及中國大陸實施戰略物資禁運的決議,雖然被中華民國引用為干涉外輪「資匪」的合法性依據,但其對於干涉外輪行動的實際影響並不如想像中的重大;若干截捕外輪的案例,更是由美軍或美國中央情報局所主導,可以視為冷戰時期中美秘密軍事合作行動的先聲。


After the break-out of Korean War in June 1950, the U.S. forces intervened the Taiwan Strait to avoid the invasion from PRC and to ask the ROC armed forces to stop any kind of military measures against the Mainland China, including the ”port-closure policy”-using navy and air force to disallow any vessels getting in or out the Mainland China territorial waters and ports. Although the ROC government accepted the request of U. S. government, but in fact, the ”interference of shipping” from the ROC armed forces and the anti-communist guerillas still occurred during the period of so-called ”neutralization of the Straits of Formosa (Taiwan).” This article will describe and try to explain the aspects of continuing interference of foreign vessels from the ROC armed force and guerillas between the beginning of ”neutralization” and the end of 1952. In the author's opinion, the most important reason of this paradox is the difference between the thought of international politics and the strategic measures of the Korean War; the influence of the UN Resolution of Embargo on strategic materials against PRC and North Korea in May 1951 was not as strong as expected, though the ROC government used it as an argument to reinforce the legality of interfering with foreign shipping. And, some of the interference cases were in fact based on the instigation from the U. S. armed forces or CIA, and could be seen as the pioneer of the Sino-American secret military corporations during the Cold War.
