  • 期刊


A Study of Concurrent Delay in Public Construction Contract of Taiwan's Legal System: Based on Common Law and FIDIC


按工程遲延乃政府採購案件中最主要的爭議類型之一,在2003年行政院公共工程委員會出版之「政府採購爭議處理事件案源及問題類型分析」中,屬履約期限之相關爭議即佔所有爭議事件之26.13%,可見工程遲延在爭議中已成為一重要議題。而在此類爭議中,最複雜的問題要屬「共同遲延」(Concurrent Delay),即遲延發生之原因不僅存在於承包商(承攬人、contractor),亦存在於業主(定作人、Employer 、Owner)或第三人之情形,關於此類共同遲延之責任應如何分配,承包商得否主張展延工期(Time Extension)?業主得否主張預定損害賠償(Liquidated Damage)。承包商得否就額外支出費用(Prolongation Cost)索賠, 乃國際上公認之難題。然目前國內學界對於此一問題之探討並不盛行,而在實際訴訟案件處理中,亦僅以與有過失、情事變更等原則加以處理,並未就共同遲延之性質及責任或風險分攤原則作分析探討,以致於判斷標準並不明確,而造成法律適用上之困擾。因此本文以下乃擬就國際案例上所承認之共同遲延類型及其責任分配風險分攤方式作一介紹,並研究其適用在吾國法制上之可能性,以作為將來實務在解決類似議題上之參考。


The delays of Public Construction Contract are the main controversial types in government procurement cases. In ”Analysis of cases of the source and the question types of Government Procurement Dispute events” of 2003 published by the Public Construction Commission of Executive Yuan, the dispute of contract performance period is 26.13% of all controversies. It seems that the dispute of delays has become an important issue. In such controversy, the most complex cases are ”Concurrent Delays”, which delay occurred not only in the contractor, also present in the owners or third case. How such obligations of Concurrent Delay should be allocated? Could contractor request Time extension? Whether Owner could claim compensation for Liquidated damage? Whether Contractor could claim the additional expenses or Prolongation Cost? All these are recognized as the problem internationally. However, investigation of this problem is not in vogue in domestic academic circles, and it is dealt with only with Comparative Negligence or clausula rebus sic stantibus in the processing of court cases. It is without consideration of the nature, responsibilities or Risk Allocation of Concurrent Delays, so that criteria is not clear, and causes problems caused in application of law. This article is intended to introduce and study for the types of Concurrent Delays which recognized international, and distribution for responsibility or Risk Allocation of Concurrent Delays. This article is also trying to apply them for the similar issues in future in Taiwan's legal system.


王元甫(2009)。由FIDIC契約範本論工程契約爭議問題。國立臺灣大學法律學系=College of Law, National Taiwan University。
吳若萍(2008)。公共營建工程契約中遲延完工之問題研究:以不可歸責於承攬人為中心。國立臺灣大學法律學系=College of Law, National Taiwan University。


張世賢(2013)。公共工程統包契約之研究- 以隧道統包工程為例〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201613544720
