  • 期刊


An Investigation of Supporting Courses for Digital Libraries


由於全球資訊網(World Wide Web, 簡稱WWW)的快速普及,掀起了資訊時代的大革命,藉著WWW瀏覽器的協助,圖書資源的傳播,經由標準的電腦使用介面,不但可以看到全文資料,而圖形、動畫、聲音亦可生動地呈現於電腦螢幕上。由於電子文件具有如此之威力,因此目前世界各地有許多機構(包括圖書館或博物館等單位)正在如火如荼地進行電子圖書館的工作,將其館藏或蒐藏數位化,並放在網路上以供全球有興趣者利用。然而,電子圖書館所需之人才來自不同學科領域,因其牽涉多媒體資訊的提供、整理、分析、輸入、儲存、計算、傳播與輸出等多項複雜的工作,需要有各種專門學科知識的人員參與。本論文調查國內外電子圖書館相關課程之現況,訪談學者對於人才培育的意見,並分析調查與訪談的資料。學者專家共提出36門課程,認為是重要且必要的課程。衡諸國內各系所目前課程的架構,尚足以支援電子圖書館相關人才的培育,僅需加開六項課程。基於電子圖書館跨學科的特性,若以學程作為培育人才的正式管道,並遵循雙主修、輔系、副主修制度的精神,分別為不同背景的同學規畫20個學分。


Due to the increasingly growing Internet, many countries take a serious look at the new information carrier. Few years ago, National Science Foundation (NSF) of USA initiated research projects on Digital Libraries (DL). Other countries around the world also initiated many DL research projects recently. There are some DL projects undergoing now in Taiwan. However, in the process of project execution, many project leaders find out that the students involving in these projects are not well trained. This is not because of educational quality, but the interdisciplinary characteristics of DL researches. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the supporting courses for training manpower in the field of digital library. After preliminary analysis, there is little consensus on the usage of terminology. As for the curriculum, 36 courses are suggested by professors and experts. With comparison to the current curriculum, a joint force from different departments is capable to cultivate the necessary manpower for DL projects. Only six courses need to be initiated to compensate the deficiency of the current curriculum. Due to the interdisciplinary characteristics of DL projects, this paper suggests that 20 credits is the minimal requirement for students from various fields to gain the basic knowledge and skills to involve DL projects.


Sun, M. L. (2007). 行職業描述自動分類之研究 [master's thesis, Tatung University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0081-0607200917241176
