  • 期刊


Revolution and the Imagination of the State: Jiayin Magazine, New Youth Magazine and the May Fourth Enlightenment Movement




This article explores the intellectual origins of the New Culture Movement, focusing on how Chinese intellectuals helped prepare for it abroad. Taking two exemplary elite magazines as evidence, namely Jiayin and New Youth, this study elucidates the main intellectual trend and its relationship with the Anti-Yuan Movement during Yuan Shihkai’s brief presidency (1912-1916). It then discusses the internal and external intellectual resources of the establishment of the New Culture Movement after Yuan’s death. Jiayin Magazine, which focused on the problem of the form of state, actually contributed little to the New Culture Movement. Only when Jiayin terminated publication at the end of 1915 and Chen Duxiu, a former Jiayin editor, began publishing The Youth (later known as New Youth) did the intellectual tradition of Jiayin find broader purchase. Unlike the political Jiayin, Chen Duxiu’s new magazine highlighted the idea of enlightenment as the ultimate solution to the problem of China’s transformation. The sudden death of Yuan Shikai in 1916 brought to China a Weimarian freedom which made possible the success of New Youth and Chen’s enlightenment project.


〈中國大事記〉,《東方雜誌》,卷 10 號11,1914 年5 月,頁25-28。
〈本誌宣告〉,《甲寅雜誌》,卷 1 號1,1914 年5 月10 日,封面內頁。
李大釗,〈厭世心與自覺心〉,《甲寅雜誌》,卷1 號8,1915 年8 月10 日,「通訊」,頁7-16。
李寅恭,〈歐洲人之愛國熱〉,《甲寅雜誌》,卷1 號4,1914 年11 月10 日,「通信」,頁40-41。


