  • 期刊


Lessons from Japan's Governance in Taiwan: An Analysis of Fujian's Official Taiwan Surveys and Investigations, 1911-1933




This article analyzes a series of official Fujian surveys and educational investigations on Taiwan during the period from 1911 to 1933, highlighting several important issues in the interactions between Fujian and Taiwan. First, this article critiques current scholarship that has ignored relevant surveys and investigations and their contexts, which included Taiwan's southern expansion policy, Fujian's administrative modernization, and the intermediary role of Taiwanese (gentry-merchants). Second, using a new research framework, this article revisits such well-known surveys and investigations as those of Shi Jingzhen (1911), Cheng Jiayu (1915), the teachers' and students of Fujian Provincial Agricultural School (1915), Wang Yang and Zhang Zunxu (1916), and other neglected surveys and investigations. This article emphasizes that Fujian's official Taiwan surveys and investigation activities were not only initiated by Fujian provincial officials. Taiwan's Southern Expansion policy and Taiwanese in Fuzhou and Xiamen also played important roles in these activities. This article also clarifies the relationship between the Fujian provincial government and Japanese colonial government of Taiwan in these investigation activities.


〈件名:省立甲種農業學校續聘大森四郎為教員抄送合同諮請備案〉,《數位典藏與數位學習聯合目錄》,http://catalog.digitalarchives.tw/item/00/08/e7/90.html (2016 年10 月23 日檢索)。
〈致交涉員据省立甲種農校校長託洪禮修前往台灣調查農林事業一案請轉函日領代達台灣政府于該員到地後乞為介紹函〉,《福建教育行政月刊》,卷2 期2,1921 年2 月,頁47。
〈農商總長田文烈呈大總統爲查核福建省長諮閩侯縣知事王述曾等倡辦農產共進會異常出力請給本部獎章文(附單)〉,《政府公報》,號809,1918 年4 月25 日,頁13-14。
侯鴻鑒,〈臺灣教育與漳泉廈門教育考察記〉《教育雜誌》,卷9 號4,1917 年4 月,頁29-31。
