  • 期刊


The Structural Context of Citizenship Education and Life-long Learning-An Analysis from Three Dimensions of the Relationships between the State and Citizens



儘管公民教育在我國教育體系中,一直受到相當高度的重視,而其實施成效,經由大規模的調查研究,也被評定為「良好」。然而,在公民德行方面所表現出來的,卻是近年來每下愈況的治安與社會風氣,而在公民資格方面所表現的,則又是充斥民粹式民主現象。 生活於現代社會中,公民素養一向被視為關鍵能力,無論是作為世界公民或本國公民。以全民終身學習的行動迎接未來的衝擊與挑戰,儼然是個人發展、組織再造、社會革新與國家進步的必要策略。然而,從結構變遷模式來看,在一個學習社會中應該是教育領導經濟,而不是經濟領導教育。在此一社會中,應該從為經濟而學習轉移到為公民權而學習。 本文主旨,旨在於嘗試以國家與社會互為主體的結構系絡中,討論此一公民教育與終身學習的意義與價值。其中尤其是從事教育工作者必須認識的三大結構體系:第一,了解以公民為主體的內在價值體系;第二,分析以國家為主體的外在結構體系;第三,認識以國家與公民互為主體的民主參與體系,針對本文主旨援引相關政治理論的概念內容進行分析。


In our educational system, citizenship education is always paid more attention by the academic community and the general. Also, its performance is appraised well by many large-scale surveys. However, recently, in our society, we can see the public order and common practice both are getting much worse and worse. The characteristic of the political system is populism-centered democracy. In the knowledge economy and globalization age, individual civil self-discipline is seen a necessary modern capability. Also, such capability plays an important role in individual development, organization reengineering and societal and national progress. Thus, to confront more competitive environment, it shows an explicit trend that the content and form of citizenship education and life-long learning should guide our economic development and national progress. Thus, the paper attempts to discuss the meaning and importance of relationship between of citizenship education and life-long learning. Specifically, the paper will focus on three parts in applying the perspectives and theories of politics. The first part is to discuss the inner value of civil society-centered system. The second part is to analyze the value of democratic participation of state-centered system. The third one is to describe the reciprocal subject of civil society and the state. Finally, I will present a brief summary and recommendations.


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