  • 期刊


The study on the university Cooperation Policies of Higher Education in Germany Dual System for Vocational - An Example of Graphic Communication Arts of NTUA


由於目前我國高等教育因過度擴充而造成無數高教人才畢業後所需面對高失業率及低薪資的就業環境,因此本研究目的主要希望藉由探討德國技職教育所實施之實習制度與目前我國高等技職教育體系所實施之業界實習制度及實施情形進行相關分析研究。本研究針對國立臺灣藝術大學圖文傳播藝術學系目前80 位實習學生進行「投入面」、「執行面」、「產出面」、「回饋面」等四個構面與實習滿意度及實習認同度進行抽樣問卷調查;同時對其所實施之實習課程內容、實習結果及實施成效進行相關問卷調查。研究結果發現目前之教學方式與課程內容仍待因應產業趨勢而有所改善調整;另關於實習前、實習中、實習後期皆需予以定期輔導追蹤,以避免實習生淪為廉價工讀生而失去實習的核心價值。


The dual vocational training system in Germany is a well-known successful teaching system. The relevant policies of the government in recent years has covered a wide range of such cooperation. Based on the current trend of higher education graduates in Taiwan facing high unemployment and low-wage employment environment, graduates from higher education in the field of arts also face the same problems. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the practicum aspect of technological and vocational education to find a good system and model for higher arts education. This will in order provide innovations to current teaching models. Analysis of the current model of vocational education working alongside industry to provide students with practical experience was conducted. This model first train students through lectures until they reach desired standard to be sent out into related fields to work with industry professionals. This model better prepare students for the future by increasing their adaptability and competitiveness. This study mainly focus on the Graphic Communication Arts of NTUA as an example, and with its first implementation of an internship program at the school. If higher arts education were to replicate the success of technological and vocational education internship, we can better prepare future graduates for a broader range of career options.


林文山(2013)。政府處理「少子女化」問題應有之策略與作法—以技職教育政策為例。國家文官學院T&D 飛訊。180,1-28。
