  • 期刊


The reading motivation and habits of young people using digital publishing and the application of digital publishing




In the era of rapid Internet technology, the dissemination of information is no longer limited to traditional paper, but is digitally transmitted to people through computers, tablets, mobile phones and other carriers. The emergence of various digital publications makes reading There are more diversified methods. E-books allow the public to meet the reading needs of mobile phones without being restricted by paper, and it is easier than ever to obtain new information. Compared with traditional paper printing, the process of digital publishing is simpler and more convenient. It saves plate-making time and reduces paper costs. The traditional publishing industry will also face a transformation in the trend of digital publishing. The purpose of this study is to explore the profile of young people's use of digital publications, including the motivation and habits of using e-books, the experience of reading e-books, the type of content of e-books, the frequency and budget of buying books, the e-book readers used, whether Willingness to pay, payment method, etc. To study and explore the public's motivation and habits for digital publishing and related views. From the perspective of consumers, study the current market demand of the digital publishing industry. Research questions include the motivation and willingness to pay for digital publishing such as e-books, and the most For the content of frequently read e-books and e-book readers used, the research will first start with the collection of data, referring to the previous literature to discuss the definition of digital publishing, the application of digital publishing, the current sales situation of digital publishing in Taiwan, and the development of digital publishing And trends. After reading the above data, we will analyze and sort to understand the general situation of the overall digital publishing industry. After the data integration is completed, a questionnaire will be designed according to the research purpose and research questions. The content of the questionnaire includes the basic information of the person filling in and the related experience of using the electronic word book Questions, fill out the questionnaires, collect them, collect statistics, analyze the results of the survey, and then write the thesis.


Digital Publishing E-book Reader E-book


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