  • 期刊

國中學生對於3D VR拒菸教材之評價

Evaluation of Junior High Students on 3D VR Interactive Anti-smoking Program


青少年菸害及電子煙危害問題日益嚴重,為推動校園菸害防制教育,研發「3DVR拒菸教材」,透過「虛擬實境」(Virtual Reality, VR)體驗式學習,引導學習者從遊戲中學習生活技能。為評價教材成效,教材體驗對象為某國中八年級73位學生,搭配教學活動以闖關遊戲型態進行,課程後以問卷測量學習者對教材之科技導入設計接受程度及課程活動後之拒菸自我效能。評價結果:體驗者對教材之科技導入設計接受程度調查結果同意程度平均值為4.36~4.56分,拒菸自我效能平均值4.15~4.55分,自陳有自信能做到打擊誘惑,正面思考,拒絕菸品自信程度8.36分。在性別、家長有無吸菸之間、及好朋友有無吸菸之間,進行獨立樣本t檢定,拒菸自我效能之「我會參考活動內容『嘗試』拒菸」男生大於女生;在家長有無吸菸組間比較,各項目均無差異;在朋友有無吸菸組間比較,為拒菸自我效能之「我會參考活動內容『持續』拒菸」,無吸菸朋友組大於有吸菸朋友。本次3DVR拒菸教材評價結果,可提供未來在健康促進教學課程或教材設計者參考。


虛擬實境 拒菸 自我效能


In order to promote smoking prevention, a "3D VR interactive anti-smoking program" was developed. The program invited 73 eighth-grade students of a middle school to experience the VR. The experiencing program included an integration of classroom competitive activities and 3D VR games. Through learning experience, students were expected to learn related life skills by playing. After program experience, questionnaires was used to measure students' technology acceptance of the program and refusal smoking self-efficacy. Results: The average of technology acceptance was 4.36 to 4.56 points. The average of refusal smoking self-efficacy was 4.15 to 4.55 points. The average of self-confidence that can fight temptation, think positively, and refuse smoking was 4.15 to 4.55 points. Group differences were perform by independent sample t-tests between genders, whether parents smoke or not, and whether friends smoke or not. For the measure of I will try to refuse smoking according to the content of activities, boys' scores were significantly higher than girls'. Comparing the group of friends with smoking, those who without smoking friends had significantly higher scores on I will continue to refuse smoking according to the content of activities.


Virtual Reality VR refusal smoking self-efficacy
