  • 期刊


My Opinion of Strengthen the Campus Space for Activities to Promote Student Participation in Regular Exercise


近年來由於生活品質的提升,也因此很多人都積極的參與運動,來維持良好的健康,所以也讓健身運動的事業蓬勃發展。只是現在的社會是處於一種M型社會之下,當沒有太多能力去付額外的健身費,是可以利用一些過遭的事物來從事運動,亦可以達到運動健康的效果。 本文就以彰化師範大學校園為例,提供了一些除了一般常見的體育設施之外,還可以利用校園環境空間來從事運動,如可以爬樓梯、自行車、跑步等運動。藉此提供大家一個最經濟、又可以達到運動有益身心健康的方法。


Owning to the improvement of life quality, more and more people actively participate in sports to keep healthy, which makes the business for body-building thrive. But the M-shaped society makes some people incapable of paying the extra expense for body-building. So people use the facilities around them to exercise, which can also achieve the effect of health. In this article, I will take National Changhua University of Education for example, introducing the common sporting facilities in public place or on campus where people can use, such as stairs-climbing, bicycle-riding and jogging, etc. So I can hereby offer people the most economical and healthy methods to exercise.
