  • 期刊


Pathologic Tooth Migration-A Case Report


在牙周病例中病理性牙齒移動是一種常見的情況,當發生在前牙區造成前牙間隙(diastema)會嚴重影響到美觀,也是病患常見來求診的主訴之一,嚴重時會導致牙齒被拔除。 本病例為一位侵犯性牙周炎患者,她因前牙間隙和前牙突出已嚴重影響到外觀而來就醫,患者在治療前有廣泛性牙齦發炎現象,經診斷後為廣泛性侵犯性牙周炎,在經過牙周基本治療及翻瓣刮除術、牙周再生術包括放置脫鈣冷凍乾燥異體移植骨或合併可吸收再生膜牙用再生手術,隨著牙周組織恢復健康,未施以矯正治療,前牙間隙亦漸漸縮小而至關閉。


Pathologic tooth migration is a common finding associated with periodontal disease. When it occurs in the anterior region is called diastema. Diastema always changes the appearance and is the common reason for them to go to the dentist. The patient, a 25-year-old female went to our OPD for diastema on her upper anterior teeth. After oral examination, we found the diastema between #11, #21 was caused by chronic periodontitis. She received periodontal therapy including initial therapy and flap surgery on the maxillary anterior teeth and the right posterior teeth; guided tissue regeneration was done with Biomend membrane combined DFDBA between #11, #21 and occlusal adjustment. During supportive periodontal treatment, about four months after active periodontal therapy, spontaneous correction of pathologic tooth migration was noticed and stayed stable till now.
