  • 期刊

Revascularization of Immature Necrotic Dens Evaginatus Tooth-A Case Report



齒外齒是很常遇到牙齒變異,它通常在後牙咬合面,或是在前牙的舌側面會有一個突起。此一突起有很薄的牙本質,上附有牙釉質,很容易發生斷裂,由於其內有牙髓的延伸,因此會造成牙髓方面的疾病。根據侵犯牙髓的不同而有不同程度的治療,包括有預防性的窩隙封劑、直接或是間接覆髓、根管治療。而根管治療在未完全發育的恆牙會造成不良的齒質結構。血管再生成術是最近幾年最適合用在這種病例的治療術式。本篇報告一位病例在放射線檢查上顯示有持續性地牙根變厚、牙根長度變長的證據。(J. Family Dent. 6(3):51-56,2011)


Dens evaginatus (DE) is an uncommon dental anomaly, There is an extra cusp or tubercle protrudes from the occlusal surface of posterior teeth, as well as the lingual surface of anterior teeth. Tubercles have an enamel layer covering a dentin core containing a thin extension of pulp. Tubercles frequently are susceptible to fractures and pulpal complications. With varying degrees of pulp invasiveness, the treatment to DE include preventive or prophylactic sealant, indirect pulp capping, direct pulp capping, endodontic treatment. Endodontic intervention of permanent teeth with immature roots leaves a tooth with compromised root structure when treating necrotic pulps. Revascularization procedure in recent years is suitable for this kind of case. The radiographic evidence shows continuing thickness of dentinal walls, apical closure, and development of root length. (J. Family Dent. 6(3): 51-56, 2011)
