  • 期刊

Maxillary Molar Protraction with Unilateral Scissors Bite Correction-A Case Report



Protraction of second molar due to premature loss of first molar is a common treatment in orthodontics. However, there are several challenges like maxillary sinus pneumatization, proximity of roots and the maxillary sinus, root resorption and variable degrees of tipping after treatment. Brodie bite is also a challenging problem in orthodontics. If left untreated, many complications such as uneven wear of the enamel and teeth elongation might occur. This case report presents a 28-year-old male patient with maxillary sinus pneumatization from a retained root of maxillary first molar, combined with buccal crossbite of the 2^(nd) and 3^(rd) molars. Also, mild crowding of both arches and mild protrusive profile were noted. The treatment was divided into two phases. Sectional braces and wires with the aid of upper right palatal mini-screw and lower right buccal mini-screw was performed at the first stage for 3 months to correct the right molar crossbite. Followed by the full mouth orthodontic fixed appliance combined with upper right mini-screw for 2 years and 4 months at second stage, upper right second molar was successfully protracted through the maxillary sinus. The protrusive profile was also corrected using whole arch distalization by mini-screws. The retention records of one-year follow-up showed stable results.


