  • 期刊


Determinants of Primary School Children's Participation in Sport Teams and Sport Clubs: Initial Motivation and Sustained Motivation Factors




Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the determinants of primary school children's participation in sport teams and sport clubs-the initial motivation and the sustained motivation factors. Method: A qualitative survey of the focus group interview method was used to target 42 male and female primary school children who were participating in sport teams and sport clubs in the third to sixth grades. After 8 focus group interviews, the data obtained were analyzed for themes. Results: There are five determinants of school children's participation in sport teams and sport clubs, among which four are "fun and exploration interest", "skill acquisition and improvement", "interpersonal relationship needs", and "reward and performance opportunities". In addition to the same factors, the sport team still has the determinant of "avoiding exhaustion and evasion orientation"; the sport club has the deciding factor of "self-presentation and pursuit of dreams". Furthermore, this study also found that "fun and interested" and "interpersonal dating" are the initial motivation factors for the primary school children to participate in the activities of school teams and sports clubs as well as sustained motivation factors. Conclusion: The determinants of primary school children's participation in different types of physical activities in the school are unique. In the future, the basis for different types of physical activity determinants may be formulated to suit different types of physical activity promotion strategies. At the same time, measurement tools can be developed on the basis of this theory to facilitate the expansion of related research on physical activity and participation behavior of school children.
