  • 期刊


Tetralogy of Autonomous Cycling Game: Promotion, Discipline, Distinction and Habitu




遊戲感 晉升 規訓 秀異 慣習


Comparing people's life to salmon which exhaust all their energy in order to return to the exact spot where they were born to spawn; from other's point of view, to struggle their entire life like that doesn't seem wise. However, if it is a game of life which is designed particularly for salmon, then it is understood that the merit salmon pursuit can only be identified by them. In Pierre Bourdieu's social theories, he revealed that people often unconsciously struggle for power, the class distinctions have become all human's common game plan, maybe one will feel void in the end, but for those who haven't reached their final goal, may never realize. After all, surrounded by the atmosphere, people will eventually fit in and enjoy the game. In this study, I have examined my personal experience of cycling game. The four phases of my play which I have generalized were parallel with the different stages of cycling history in our country. My tetralogy of autonomous cycling game are: to "promote" myself to a cyclist; to "discipline" myself to become a cyclist; to "distinguish" myself from other cyclists, and to mold myself into a "habitual" cyclist. Based on my fractured (discontinuous) process of personal cycling history, this study used Pierre Bourdieu's theory of symbolic power and Foucault's disciplinary power were used to explore my tetralogy of autonomous cycling game. This study revealed that the four phases of autonomous cycling game as mentioned above was pictured out through the concept of game, a game which was filled with all sorts of apparently independent but yet interactive power struggle.


sense of play promotion discipline distinction habitus


Kathryn, Woodward、林文琪譯(2006)。認同與差異。新北:韋伯。
