  • 期刊


The Effects of Constructing Problem-Based Learning on Children's Development of Multiple Intelligences


本研究旨在探討問題本位學習(Problem-Based Learning, PBL)對幼兒學習歷程其多元智能的表現。本研究選取一所國小附設幼兒園之19位幼兒為研究對象,共六週採用問題本位學習模式,以觀察、省思日誌、訪談記錄、幼兒學習單、家長回饋單為質性資料。研究結果發現發現幼兒可從多種角度下觀察蝴蝶及幼蟲,提出問題,經由分組合作學習,各小組提出解決蝴蝶生態問題的各種可能原因和可行方法。幼兒在此學習歷程中,能主動請教他人來確認資料的可靠性,也能由資料分析整理中所獲得的知識來進行演繹推論。最後根據研究結果,分別提出對教育人員及未來研究之具體建議。


The present study aimed to investigate the effects of utilizing Problem-Based Learning on children's multiple intelligences and to examine their multiple intelligence development and performance while receiving PBL. The participants were nineteen children in a kindergarten in Taoyuan. The qualitative data were collected by observation, reflection diary, interviews, worksheets, and parents feedback. The results revealed that children observe butterflies and pupa in various aspects and find out possible methods to solve problems in groups. The findings of the present study indicated that through PBL, children actively asked others to confirm the reliability of the information and resources and infered the conclusion by analyzing acquired knowledge. The findings also showed the PBL could enhance preschoolers development of multiple intelligences and indicated that PBL can be implemented in preschools. Based on the results, some pedagogical suggestions are proposed to education apreschool teachers and future researchers.
