  • 期刊


A Study on the Affecting Factors and Results of Gourmet Queuing Behavior-The Case of College Students




Long queues waiting in line to buy food are a typical consumer experience in Taiwan. Customers are willing to spend time waiting in line, indicating that the product is beautiful to customers. In addition to being attracted by the store's brand name, the customer may also want to show off to relatives and friends, or be curious about the product, prompting him to wait in line. This research seeks to explore whether consumers' queued food behavior is impulsive or planned? Whether brand value, conspicuous consumption, and curiosity, the factors that drive consumers to wait in line? This study used a sample of Central Taiwan University students as research samples. A total of 700 questionnaires were issued, with 568 valid questionnaires, and the effective questionnaire recovery rate was 81.1%. The results of the study found that brand value will positively affect behavioral intention and behavioral willingness. And conspicuous consumption will positively affect behavioral willingness. Both behavioral willingness and behavioral intention will positively affect actual behavior, but behavioral intention has more influence on actual conduct than behavioral intention. The action of queuing for food strongly driven by the willingness to act and brand value is a crucial factor affecting consumers. Therefore, it suggested that the catering industry operators should strengthen the brand's management capabilities to make consumers willing to wait in line for food.


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