  • 期刊


The Analyzes of International Laws and Policies in the Development of Green Technologies


近年來國際間興起推動綠色科技、環境科技研究發展風潮,除了公私部「日持續投入綠色科技研究發展資源外,各國對於區域內環境產業(Eco-Industries)之發展成型,亦多所致力促成。以往一般對於環境保護觀念,往往係立於與經濟發展對立角色來看待,然而新興綠色科技蓬勃發展,卻顯現可兼顧調和環境保護及經濟成長兩者利益之特點,所以近來各國莫不選定特定領域加強致力於綠色科技產業之促進發展。 由於綠色科技產業尚屬新興發展領域,並且綠色科技創新研發及實務市場發展均具有其特殊性,所以國際間諸多先進國家對於綠色科技產業促進發展,均陸續研擬許多推動綠色科技研發計畫、促進研發技術邁向商業化、健全市場導向誘因、規劃政策工具等,積極推動蓬勃發展。本文乃就國際先進國家發展法制政策及實務例,援引研究並做出分析建議,期許對我國綠色科技發展法制政策環境之奠基做出貢獻。


In recent years, green technology and environmental science technology have become hot topics internationally. In addition to the public and private institutions' devotion to enable the development of green technology, many countries also start to support the development of Eco-industries within certain districts. The old notion of treating environmental protection as an opposite concept against economic development has proven to be wrong. Many newly developed products and services of green technology not only can help achieve the objective of improving the environmental condition, but also have great potential to contribute to the economic growth within certain districts. In other words, the development of green technology and eco-industries can kill two birds in one stone-it is beneficial from both the viewpoints of environmental protection and economic growth. As a result, many countries have put special efforts to encourage the development of green technology and eco-industries. Green technology is still an unexploited area. And it is also a very niche area in terms of the innovation of green technology and the development of the market. Therefore, many developed countries have designed projects to enable the R&D of green technology, to remove the obstacles during development, to enable the commercialization of technologies, to enrich the incentive for a market-oriented development, and to design the taxation and tax incentives on environmental related projects. This article researches and analyzes the rule of law and policies of developed countries, and makes recommendations based on the research results. The goal is to make contribution to the foundation of Taiwan's rule of laws in the development of green technologies.
