  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


The Butterfly Fauna and Diversity in Taitung Macaca cyclopsis Nature Reserve




The study investigated the butterfly fauna in selective locations in the Taitung Macaca cyclopsis nature reserve area during May, 1999 to May 2000. A total of 100 species belongs to the 9 families were recorded which includes 9 endemic species/subspecies. The number of species and individuals of Nymphalidae was observed. The result showed that it outnumbers on both scales (specie and individual) compare to other families. In seasonal fluctuation, the number of species and individuals increased dramatically in the winter time compare to the spring and summer. The differences and changes of the butterfly fauna in various months of the year were discussed and analyzed by the UPGMA method. The result showed that the butterfly fauna was in gradual transformation, and the changes of the community of butterfles was due to climate factors. Besides, Alpha index may serve as a better biological index for surveying the butterfly fauna than other biological indexes and for analyzing the data of butterfly fauna of different months.
