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Research on the Communication of Taoism Medicine in the Seventeenth Century: Donguibogam: Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine


2009年列入世界記憶遺產(Memory of the World)的《東醫寶鑑》(동의보감; Donguibogam: Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine)引起不少爭議,異議者認為這本書號稱朝鮮古代醫學代表,內容卻大量採用宋代以來的中國醫學內容,質疑非原創性之作品。然而,在大航海時期各類文化交流頻繁,朝鮮處於東亞重要位置,再加上朝鮮半島的陸路發達,助於醫學知識傳播的改編與再造。《東醫寶鑑》編纂者許浚(1537?-1615)耗費十四年,歷經流放與改朝換代,許浚為了拯救在戰爭、疾病受苦百姓,終於完成受皇帝敕命的重要醫籍。全書分為「內景」、「外形」、「雜病」、「湯液」、「針灸」五篇,其中「內景」所載人體內的世界,與中國道醫有密不可分的關連性,涵蓋道家養生,而不僅只是醫療之書。本文探究道醫在《東醫寶鑑》的轉化過程,以「內景」篇為研究對象,藉此說明中國醫學史自宋代以降呈現百花齊放之姿,宗教文化亦分雜多元,醫經備出,乃至金、元、明時期,宗教醫療成為一股不可忽視的力量。因此從朝鮮王朝成書的《東醫寶鑑》可見在東亞文化交流下的道醫思想,成為具多元文化的傳統醫學。


道醫 朝鮮 東醫寶鑑 許浚


"Dongyibaojian" (동의보감: Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine), which was included in the Memory of the World in 2009, has caused a lot of controversy. Massive use of Chinese medical content since Song Dynasty, questioning non-original works. However, various cultural exchanges were frequent during the great voyage, North Korea was in an important position in East Asia, and the developed land routes on the Korean peninsula facilitated the adaptation and reconstruction of the dissemination of medical knowledge. The author of this book spent 14 years in exile and changed the dynasty. In order to save the people suffering from war and disease, Xu Jun finally completed an important medical book that was ordered by the emperor. The five chapters of "Soup Liquid" and "Acupuncture and Moxibustion", among which the world inside the human body contained in "Inside View" is inextricably related to Chinese Taoist medicine, covering Taoist health care, not just a medical book. This article explores the transformation process of Taoism in " Dongyibaojian ", and uses the "Inside View" as the research object to illustrate that the history of Chinese medicine has blossomed since the Song Dynasty. Religious culture is also diverse, and medical classics are available. Even during the Jin, Yuan, and Ming periods, religious medical care became a force that cannot be ignored. Therefore, it can be seen from the book "Dong Yi Bao Jian" of the Joseon Dynasty that how Taoism thought under East Asian cultural exchanges can be carried forward in other places and become traditional medicine with Korean colors. It is worthy of attention of researchers.


Taoism Medicine Korea Donguibogam Xu Jun


