  • 期刊


The Study Explored the Learning Satisfaction toward General Education Core Curriculum (GECC) of First-year Students at the CUST



本研究旨在探討中華科技大學一年級學生修讀通識教育全校必修核心課程的滿意度。首先透過文獻分析整理,建立研究整體架構,繼而選擇問卷調查法,以自行發展之學習滿意度調查問卷為工具,蒐集研究所需資料。調查實施以中華科技大學2011學年度日間部一年級學生為對象,採分層隨機取樣方式,施測獲得有效樣本358份。並就問卷所得資料,應用次數分配、平均數、標準差、排序、t-考驗、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)及多元迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析,研究結果獲致以下主要結論:一、大部份教師都能遵守學校規定上傳教學大綱及上課點名,明確告知學生成績評量方式,準時上下課,提供與學生晤談(Office Hour)的時間。二、大部份同學認同學校核心通識課程的設置。認為中華人文課程列為全校必修是合理的,瞭解學習中華人文課程的目的。三、學生整體滿意度平均數為4.09。就構面而言,學生最滿意的構面是「流暢與互動」,其次是「關心與包容」及「激勵與獲益」)。滿意度皆達4.00以上。四、教師教室教學經營因素,能解釋學生通識教育核心課程學習滿意度23.9%的變異量。就個別變項而言,「老師會引用生活中的實例以引起同學興趣」的預測力最佳。


This study explored the learning satisfaction toward general education core curriculum (GECC) of first-year students at the China University of Science and Technology (CUST). Based on literature review a questionnaire was developed to ask students about their satisfaction on three dimensions of GECC: Procedure and interaction, Concern and openness, and Encourage and benefit. The participants were 358 students who attended classes during the day in the 2011 academic year. The questionnaire data were analyzed using statistical methods, including frequency and percentage, standard deviation, ranking, t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. The results led to the following main conclusions: 1. The majority of teachers able to comply with the provisions of the school: Upload syllabus and class attendance, inform the assessment of student achievement, on time to class, provide students interview (Office Hour) time. 2. The majority of students agree with the core curriculum of general education that the Chinese humanities curriculum as a whole school compulsory reasonable, Understand the purpose of learning Chinese humanities courses. 3. The students' overall satisfaction with an average of 4.09. For dimensions, the most satisfactory dimension was ”procedure and interactive”, followed by ”concern and openness” and ”encourage and benefit”. 4. Teachers' teaching management factors can explain students' learning satisfaction toward general education core curriculum, 23.9% of the variance. Best predict individual variable was ”the teacher will reference the instance of life to arouse student interest”.
