  • 期刊


The Subjectivity and Identity of Malaysian Chinese Christians: Rethinking the Appropriateness of the Definition of the Chinese Church and its Referents




Research related to Malaysian Chinese communities produced in Chinese language academic circles has accumulated to a considerable level; however, such research usually falls into a stereotypical research perspective, regarding Malaysian Chinese as "overseas Chinese." Such a perspective makes it difficult to break from the core-periphery understanding of Chinese communities. On the other hand, scholars writing in English have become accustomed to understanding the Chinese communities in Southeast Asia as diasporic communities. The author of this paper argues that, whether labeled as "overseas Chinese" or "diasporic communities," both are inaccurate descriptions of the actual circumstances of ethnic Chinese in Malaysia. Religious studies research on Malaysia also often reflects the aforementioned phenomenon, and studies of Christianity there are no exception. Research on Malaysian Chinese Christians from Chinese-speaking academic circles is not at all common, but many international church organizations refer to Malaysian congregations of ethnic Chinese as "Chinese Churches" (Huaren jiaohui華人教會). In effect, this homogenizing view places Malaysian Christian communities in the same category as "Chinese Churches" functioning as "native associations" (tongxiang hui同鄉會) across Europe and the United States. This article indicates that Malaysia's "Chinese Church" is an understanding based on conceptions of "overseas Chinese" and "diasporic communities." Moreover, this article defines the subjectivity and identity of Malaysian Chinese Christians from "anti-diaspora" (fan lisan反離散) and "polycentric" (duo zhongxin多中心) perspectives.


孔復禮(Philip Kuhn) 2019 《華人在他鄉:中華近現代海外移民史》(Chinese among Others),李明歡譯。臺北:臺灣商務印書館。
王美鍾 2003 《大馬華人教會的覺醒與更新》。吉隆坡:文橋傳播中心。
王賡武 1994 《中國與海外華人》。臺北:臺灣商務印書館。
史書美 2018 《反離散:華語語系研究論》。臺北:聯經出版事業公司。
吳前進 2003 《國家關係中的華僑華人和華族》。北京:新華出版社。
