  • 期刊


The Collective Action of Religious Utopias: A Case Study of Christian Groups' Mount Zion




In order to resolve human being's anxieties and problems that arise over the course of their moving from the family to society, communitarians advocate constructing social organizations that reflect relationships analogous to family members in order to replace traditional society. This kind of communal life requires that members abandon any selfishness or greed for the benefit of the collective. In other words, they must resolve the conflict between individual self-interested behavior and collective action. The ideal utopian life, although it may appear difficult to achieve, has occurred in human history, and there is no shortage of successful cases, such as the First Church, established in the Middle East after Jesus's death, the Hutterites, reestablished in North America in 1870, the Amish, and Israel's Kibbutz, among others. What novel contributions or advantages do these religious utopias have for humanity overcoming the predicaments of collective action? Mount Zion in Kaohsiung, Taiwan is also a commune, where all things are recognized as available for public use and residents practice communal communism. Through an examination of the case of Mount Zion case, this article explores the influence of religious factors on overcoming the difficulties surrounding collective action.


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