  • 會議論文


The Influences on Tour Guide of the Policy about Opening Mainlanders Come to Tour Taiwan


為因應兩岸新情勢及活絡國內旅遊市場,2001年11月行政院院會通過開放大陸地區人民來臺觀光推動方案,啟動了大陸人民來台觀光的起端,而隨著開放觀光消息不斷,2007 年華語導遊報考人數,從2004年的三千九百多人擴增近二萬人(黃筱珮,2007),對觀光產業而言是一項就業趨勢。因此,本研究目的為了解開放大陸人士來臺觀光政策之基本概況、華語導遊的基本內涵與華語導遊接待大陸觀光團的實際情形,並分析歸納開放大陸人士來臺觀光政策對華語導遊帶團之影響。本研究透過文獻分析法擬出開放式問題之訪談大鋼,與運用個別訪談分別針對五名第一線接觸帶大陸觀光團的華語導遊進行深度訪談,關於開放大陸人士來台觀光政策的意見,五位首訪者中有三位贊成全面開放,即為開放第一類大陸人士來臺觀光,原因皆是可帶動臺灣經濟與增加臺灣收入,其中有一位受訪者贊同逐步開放,因臺灣軟硬體與配套措施未成熟;另外一位提及不贊同全面開放,因無法做到最有效的管理。本研究建議政府在開放大陸人民來臺觀光政策上能放寬,在相關配套措施能完善的前提下,儘速開放第一類大陸人士來臺觀光,在臺灣提振經濟與增加外匯收入上必有莫大的幫助,對華語導遊的工作機會增加與收入亦有幫助。


In order to loose the situation of Mainland China and Taiwan and activate domestic traveling market, highest level of the executive branch adopted the scheme about opening mainlanders come to tour Taiwan, open the initial stage of mainlanders come to tour Taiwan. As the news of open tour was unceasing, members of Chinese tour guild to register for an examination raise from about 3,900 persons in 2003 to about 20,000 people in 2007. It is a tendency to get a job. For those reasons, the purpose of this study is to understand the basic and general situation of the policy about opening mainlanders come to tour Taiwan, the intension of Chinese tour guilds, and the real condition of Chinese tour guilds how to accommodate tourists of Mainland China. This study use the documentary analysis to plan to an interview outline of open question, and use to the individual interview to call on five Chinese tour guilds contacting toure group of Mainland China on the first line. There are three of five show agree with opening mainlanders come to tour Taiwan completely, that represents opening the first type of tourists of Mainland China. The reasons of approval are to promote economy and income in Taiwan. One of Chinese tour guild agree with opening stage by stage because of the callowness about hardware, software and measures of the complete set. Another means disapprobation opening mainlanders come to tour Taiwan completely, that is not do the best control. The recommendations of this study is to loose the policy about opening mainlanders come to tour Taiwan, to open the first type of tourists of Mainland China before having fare-thee-well supplementary measure. It's a big favor to pull up Taiwan's economy and to increase foreign exchange, and help Chinese tour guilds to raise opportunities of job and add revenue.
