

台灣整島佔地球面積不到萬分之一,但現有的海洋生物種類卻爲全世界十分之一多。而澎湖海洋生物種類又占台灣海洋生物種類的十分之一。澎湖水族館在主、客觀條件均有利的情況下於民國八十七年四月開館,完成台灣首座結合【科技研究】、【社會教育】與【觀光遊憩】等多樣化功能,媲美國際水準的水族館。 隨著國內各大水族館陸續開幕後,澎湖水族館遊客人數有逐漸減少趨勢。民國94年間澎湖水族館因應政府的政策,以公辦民營Rehabilitate Operate Transfer, ROT)的方式,將經營權委由民間南仁湖集團來經營。本研究於96年9月間,進行澎湖水族館遊客的問卷調查,共回收有效問卷447份,以PZB服務品質模式,運用SERVQUAL量表來調查遊客對館方所提供服務品質之顧客滿意度,並且探討遊客未來重遊或推薦的行爲意向。研究結果顯示1.館方所提供的服務品質大致上符合顧客的期望,即事前期望與事後實際知覺並無失驗現象,但是遊客整體滿意度卻不高,可見整體服務品質應有向上提升的空間。2.遊客事後實際知覺對遊客滿意度與行爲意向有顯著影響。3.居民與遊客對於水族館公辦民營的永續經營及經營效益的認知有顯著差異。


Penghu is a small island with various marine species, which contribute 1/100 of marine species of the whole world. The Penghu Aquarium, was established in1998, has combined the diverse functions of technical/research, social/ education and tourism/recreation. However, the tourist population of Penghu Aquarium has decreased gradually.. In 2005, the operation management of Penghu Aquarium was transferred to Nan Ren Hu Group under the government's policy of Rehabilitate Operate Transfer (ROT). The purpose of this study is to investigate the expected -perceived service gap of Penghu Aquarium, as well as visitor satisfaction and revisiting intention. The PZB mode, SERVQUAL Scale and Expectation Disconfirmation Paradigm are utilized. A survey has conducted in September 2007, and 447 valid questionnaires are collected. The findings are summarized as follows: 1. The service quality of Penghu Aquarium meets the tourist expectation in general, which indicates that the difference between expectation and perceptions/experiences are not obvious. Nevertheless, the overall degree of tourist satisfaction is not as high as expected; there is an apparent necessity to enhance the quality of service. 2. Tourist perceptions/experiences have significant influence on the degree of tourist satisfaction and the revisiting intention. 3. There are significant differences between local residents and visitors concerning ROT managing effectiveness and continues operation of Penghu Aquarium.
