  • 會議論文


An Intention of Learners' Course Integration and Learning Path Guiding


近年來網路發展迅速,網路上可取得的資源與日俱增,但這些過多的資源反而造成使用者的負擔,雖然搜尋引擎方便且易上手,但要過濾並取得所需要的資訊仍需花費一番功夫。然而對於想利用網路資源的初學者,光是選擇下一個適合的學習教材就已經相當不容易了,若查詢取回一大堆不相干的課程,對於學習者更是一大困擾。本論文主要是針對Java初級課程的學習領域,以Java Learning Object Ontology (JLOO)為系統的辭書,做為學習者在此領域的一個引導,利用辭書架構除了取得使用者意向,更以辭書概念式擴展來查詢學習物件,提供最相關的學習物件回應使用者,即便使用者不了解辭書,能可以輕易的取得相關資訊。使用類似傳統關鍵字查詢的tf-idf公式取得基礎概念對於使用者查詢的相關程度,並以基礎概念為基礎,找出對於其語意路徑上所有概念的影響,以便決定一個廣義概念來涵蓋所有(或最多)的基礎概念,用來表示使用者的意向所趨,最後將使用者意向根據系統日誌擴展,配合辭書所管理的學習物件,來取得最符合使用者需求的學習課程。


辭書 學習元件 概念擴展 語意


This study focuses on developing a methodology for helping learners who are novel to a specific field. The thesis uses java programming language as an example for demonstration. The Java Learning Object Ontology (JLOO) is used as system ontology that has being developed as a guide in this field for the learners. The proposed methodology uses ontology to infer a learner's intention before using a concept expansion algorithm that, base on the learners' intention, to include more relevant concepts as the query when retrieving learning objects. The most relevant learning objects could be fetched even when the learners are not familiar with the domain. The concept expansion algorithm uses traditional tf-idf formula to calculate the relevant degree of the basic concepts on an ontology hierarchy, which are matched with keywords of a user query. It then calculates the influence of other concepts on the semantic path of basic concepts. Some user intention trees are establish, from which a most suitable one is selected. The result one is further expanded according to system logs that record the past learning behaviors of the user and other users. Finally, the most relevant learning objects are fetched and recommended to the user.


Ontology Learning Object Concept Expansion Semantic
