  • 會議論文


Using of Kano two-dimensional Quality Model and Integration of Quality Function Deployment the Service Quality of Online Shopping


由於網際網路的盛行,使得服務型態轉變,以往服務人員爲主之傳統服務型態評估項目已經不適用,而服務是提供無形商品,因此更需要瞭解顧客的期望與需要,加上服務的提供需要顧客與服務人員的接觸且須在短時間內將服務完成,比製造業需要更高的跨部門的整合;而品質機能展開(quality function deployment, QFD)正是具有進行跨部門的規劃、溝通與整合的分析工具。Kano二維品質模式(Two-Dimension Model)對提升較高顧客滿意及價值更有幫助。本研究選用網路購物服務品質作爲相關研究,並萃取六大構面與16項顧客屬性,藉由Kano問卷來得知消費者對於品質構面之期望重要度;再運用QFD技術了解消費者對於網路購物需求品質要素,建立以消費者期望服務因素爲基礎的程序與作法。本研究結果對於實務界提供了一個完整的評估工具,並針對購物網站業者發展出一套新興的評估項目,可作爲現行及有志從事購物網站服務業者之參考依據,進而提升購物網站的服務水準,亦增加消費者上網購物的意願。


Kano QFD 網路購物 服務品質


Due to the prevailing of internet, it transforms the type of service. The traditional service evaluations for service persons are not suitable for nowadays. The service provides invisible products. The requirement and anticipation of customers need to be investigated. Service after sales requires the contact of the costumers and service persons and it needs to be done in a short time. So, it demands the higher integration ability the manufacture industry. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is an analysis tool for planning, communicating and integrating for crossing departments. Kano Two-Dimension Model will be helpful to promote the costumers, satisfaction and the value of the product. The study focuses on the service quality of the online shopping. The 6 phases of online shopping and 16 item of customers, requirements will be used as the benchmark. Through Kano Two-Dimension Model, we can understand how important of costumers, anticipation to quality is. The employment of QFD will show the quality element of costumers, requirement to online shopping. Through the methods we mention above, we can establish the procedures based on costumers, anticipation. The result of the study will provide a complete evaluation tool and develop a new evaluation item for online shopping business. It may be used as a reference for those who are willing to join the online shopping business. May it promote the service quality and raise the costumers, shopping desire.


Kano QFD Online shopping Service quality
