  • 會議論文


Strategies on the Management of Cram Schools: Taking the Cram Schools in Taichung as Examples


本研究在探討補習班經營管理策略,以台中市文理補習班爲例,透過專家問卷及層級分析法問卷調查後,彙整出台中市文理補習班經營管理的關鍵成功因素,並得出財務、顧客、內部管理,以及學習與成長的各項構面因素權重比值與優先順序性。 研究結果顯示:「補習班應嚴加控管各項營運成本的支出」及「開發新市場、新的營運項目,提升獲利能力」是財務面中最重要的二項考量因素;「補習班應合法立案,公安消防設施應符合政府法令」及「補習班必須設法達成學生的期望與需求」是顧客面中最重要的二項考量因素;「優質教學透過家長宣傳形成口耳相傳的口碑」及「建立教職員對教育工作的認同感與責任感」是內部管理面中最重要的二項考量因素,而就學習與成長面來說,「學習與家長溝通技巧與訴怨處理」及「有家的感覺,安排員工旅遊等,強化勞雇互動理維持師資穩定」是最重要的二項考量因素。


In the present study we have taken the cram schools in Taichung as examples, to figure out the competitive advantages or key factors of a successful cram school. By using the expert questionnaire and analytic hierarchy process it was possible to find out the key factors influencing the successful management of a cram school, and this was done after the priority of the aspects including finance, customer, internal management, learning as well as growth was ranked. The most important factors needed to be considered in the financial affairs are the ”strictly control of cost” and ”make more profits by exploring new market and new operation items”. The main factors influencing the customer aspect are the ”legalization of the cram school and its fire control facilities” and the ”satisfaction achievement to the students”. The main factors influencing the internal management are ”superior teaching styles and establishment of the public praise” and ”building up the identification and responsibility of the educational work in teaching and administrative staff's mind”. For learning or growth aspects the ”communication or problem solving skills with the family” and ”household warm and fragrant, traveling arrangement for employees, the close interaction between the employer and employee and maintaining of the teachers” will be the most important factors.


