  • 學位論文


The Key Factors Affecting Loyalty toward Tutoring Business- A Case Study of Cram Schools in Taichung

指導教授 : 王翊周


補教業是以顧客導向為主之產業,如何配合相關政策及管理者的承諾,進行教學品質之加強,才能提升學生學習意願和學習成效及提高學生滿意度。關係承諾與信任有利於創造補教業的品牌價值,並且成為補教業長期發展的利基。本研究以服務品質、顧客滿意度、關係承諾、信任和顧客忠誠度等五個構面探討相互間的關聯與影響。以補習班的學生和家長為研究範圍及主要調查對象,學生計94人,家長計119人,本研究採用問卷調查方式,預試問卷計60份,正式問卷計213份。 研究結果發現不管是學生或家長,對信任及顧客滿意度特別重視,當企業有良好的形象,會有助於提升顧客的信任。當顧客對企業產生正向信任時,企業經營者可透過信任來預測顧客行為,並降低顧客流失率、創造更高的顧客價值與顧客建立長久的信任關係,進而提升學生及家長的滿意度。在相關係數部分,服務品質、顧客滿意度、關係承諾、信任皆與顧客忠誠度呈正向顯著之關係,顯然服務品質愈高,顧客滿意度愈高,家長及學生與補習班間具較佳之關係承諾及信任,則愈能維持住忠誠度。 本研究之七個假說皆成立,主要結果如下: 1.當補習班服務品質愈佳,則家長及學生滿意度愈高; 2.家長及學生滿意度愈高,則會提高家長及學生對補習班之信任; 3.家長及學生滿意度愈高,則忠誠度愈高,愈會選擇該補習班; 4.家長及學生滿意度愈高,則補習間之關係承諾愈強; 5.家長及學生愈信任補習班,則與補習班關係承諾愈強; 6.家長及學生對補習班愈信任,則忠誠度愈高,愈會選擇該補習班; 7.當家長及學生與補習班關係承諾愈強,則忠誠度愈高,愈會選擇該補習班。


Tutoring business is a customer-oriented industry, how to cooperate with the managers’ commitment and the relevant policies, strengthening the teaching quality, in order to enhance students' willingness and effectiveness of learning and improve students’ satisfaction. Relationship commitment and trust are conducive to the brand value and become a niche for the long-term development of the tutoring industry. The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship and influence among these key factors, that is service quality, customers’ satisfaction, relationship commitment, trust and customers’ loyalty. The survey questionnaire includes 94 students and 119 parents. Data were collected through a web questionnaire handed out to a combination of 60 people, whose identity are parents and students as pre-test questionnaires and a combination of 213 people, whose identity are parents and students as formal questionnaires. The results provide valuable insight and show that whether students or parents focus more on trust and customers’ satisfaction. Besides, with the company good image, it will help to enhance customers’ trust. When customers have positive trust in the enterprise, business operators can predict customer behavior through trust and reduce the customer churn rate, create higher customer value and build up long-term relationships in trust with customers, which in turn enhances both students and parents’ satisfaction In the portion of correlation coefficient, service quality, customer satisfaction, relationship commitment, and trust all have a positive and significant relationship with customer loyalty. It is obviously that the higher the service quality it is, the higher the customer satisfaction it will be, and the better the relationship commitment and trust between parents and students along with the cram school, the more possibility for enterprise to maintain customers’ loyalty . This study developed seven hypothesis base on literature review. H1: Service quality has a positive impact on customer satisfaction. H2: Customer satisfaction has a positive impact on trust. H3: Customer satisfaction has a positive impact on customer loyalty. H4: Customer satisfaction has a positive relationship commitment. H5: Trust has a positive impact on relationship commitment. H6: Trust have a positive impact on customer loyalty. H7: Relationship commitment have a positive impact on customer loyalty.


