  • 學位論文


A Study on the 2D Quality Model for the Service Quality of Private Supplementary Schools-A Case Study

指導教授 : 李明榮


本研究之目的旨在歸納文理補習班各服務要素的二維品質屬性;並探討學生顧客對各品質屬性的重視程度與滿意度。本研究以台中縣某升學補習班之學生顧客為叢集樣本,有效樣本合計268人為研究對象。研究方法採問卷調查法,所得資料以描述性統計、Kano 二維品質模式、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Matzler滿意指標模式等進行統計與分析討論。   研究結果發現:一、二維品質屬性為一元品質的有課程教材、教學方法、環境設備等三項服務構面,偏向於魅力品質的有老師特質、諮商與輔導等二項服務構面,偏向於當然品質的為安全合法性服務構面。二、學生顧客對各服務構面品質之重視程度與二維品質屬性關係為當然品質>一元品質>魅力品質。三、學生不同特徵中,性別特徵對各服務構面品質之重視程度,男生與女生無明顯差異;年級特徵方面僅在諮商與輔導構面方面,國中三年級與國中一年級有顯著差異存在。四、學生顧客對於所屬補習班在教學方法與課程教材兩服務構面之滿意度,與重視程度有所落差。   依據研究結果並利用Matzler滿意指標,提出改善建議,供特定個案補習班做為改善服務品質的依據,或可做為其他補習班提昇服務品質水準的參考。


The purpose of this study is to generalize the attributes of the 2D quality model for the service quality of private supplement schools, and discuss the significance to and satisfaction of students regarding each attribute. The subjects of this study are 268 students of a private supplement school in Taichung County. The research methods included questionnaire survey, and the data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, Kano 2D quality model, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Matzler satisfaction index model. The results showed that: 1) attributes of 2D quality model with one-dimensional quality include teaching materials, teaching approaches, and environment; those inclined to attractive quality include teachers’ characteristics, counseling; those inclined to must-be quality include safety, legitimacy, and service; 2) the attributes that are significant to students and are 2D quality attributes include must-be quality>one-dimensional quality>attractive quality; 3) gender of the students showed no significant effect on the rating of the significance of the service aspects; age showed significant effect on the counseling aspect whereby third year students and first year students of junior high school showed difference; 4) the satisfaction of students on the teaching techniques and teaching materials showed difference from the rating of significance. Suggestions are made based on Matzler satisfaction index to the private supplementary schools as reference to service improvement.


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