  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


The National Defense Competitiveness and Percentage of Annual Defense Budget in GDP-A Cross Country Analysis





The national defense competitiveness is related to country's economic development, national security and strategic goals in the country, so the national competitiveness of the country should have the strong national defense competitiveness. This study is a cross country analysis during 2005 to 2008. The required military information is from the military balance, the military ranking data are from GFP website and Jane's Defence Weekly. Estimating the weight of affecting the national military ranking by using multiple regression model and factor analysis to obtain score measured in national defense competitiveness. Evaluated the model fit and validity by inside and outside samples. Finally, researched the relevance between the national defense competitiveness and the percentage of national defense budget in GDP in the different scenarios. The research showed multiple regression model's fit and validity are better than factor analysis. The estimated military rankings are highly positive correlation with GFP and Jane's Defence Weekly. It is found that the percentage of national defense budget in GDP does not reach statistically significant with national defense competitiveness in different scenarios. In considering the interaction between the different scenarios and the percentage of national defense budget in GDP. Increasing the percentage of national defense budget in GDP, national defense competitiveness will rise.


