  • 期刊


Nursing Experience on a Patient Facing with Suspected Cancer after Cholecystectomy




This paper describes a nursing experience of a patient who undergone cholecystectomy. From October 16th to 26th 2009, data were collected through physical assessment, interviews and telephone follow-up after discharged from hospital. Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns Assessment was used to confirm four major nursing problems, which included pain, nutrition requirements less than body's demands, knowledge insufficiency and uncertainty. With provision of physical comfort, pain relief, diet supply after surgery and wound care guidance, and offering patients care and psychological support for alleviating their anxiety, the patient can positively confront all changes of the disease. By share this nursing experiencing, the author suggests that healthcare providers should actively involve in the cancer patients physical and spiritual care programs as well as caring and counseling skill training and take the initiative to help cancer patients to deal with spiritual distress and the face of death.
