  • 期刊


Nursing Care Experiences of a Septic Shock Patient with Hopelessness at ICU




This case report describes the nursing care for a patient with septic shock combined with disseminated intravascular coagulation and faced four limb amputations due to gangrene. During the period from September 13 to October 19, 2015, the Roy’s Adaptation Model was applied to collect patient’s data through observations, interviews, physical assessments, and medical record reviews. Three major health problems of the patient were ineffective tissue perfusion (renal); ineffective airway clearance; hopelessness. Because the patient was at the period of midlife but had to face the decision of accepting four limb amputations, the patient showed negative emotions such as indifference, quiet, and hopelessness. The author empathetically accompanied and listened to the patient to establish trust, effectively communicated with the patient to stabilize his emotions, encouraged the patient to express thoughts, and further helped the patient to think positively to face the diseases. After reestablished positive beliefs and adapted to situational changes, the patient returned back to his used life style. This nursing care experience can be a reference for other healthcare providers to provide proper care to patients with similar situations.


