  • 期刊


A Study on the Mechanical Properties of Earth Dam Constructed by using Mudstone Materials Taken From Hillslope in the Southwestern Taiwan


本研究係針對本省西南部泥岩地區分佈較為廣泛之六雙層及古亭坑層等二地質分區進行調査,並自現地採取泥岩土樣實施室內各項基本土壤力學特性試驗,主要內容包括進行夯實試驗求得最大乾密度及最佳含水量,並製作不同壓實度之重模試樣,俾進行直接剪力之飽和壓密排水試驗(SCD Test),以確實掌握本省西南地區泥岩作為壩體材料之力學特性,另再依據試驗結果,對選定之代表性土壩斷面,以Bishop簡化法並考慮地震及滲流水位等影響因素,進行塌體之安定分析,以期檢核用本省西南部之泥岩材料構築土壩後,其壩體之安定性,此外亦應用電子計算機進行塌體安定性模擬分析,得到在不同壩高及壩上下游面坡度之情況下,當安全係數選用1.25之標準時,其壩體材料之單位重γ、C値與φ值三者間之相互依存關係,俾提供未來野外小型土壩設計及施工之參考,以因應未來本省西南部泥岩地區之保育利用。


土壩 泥岩 夯實


The main purpose of this research was concentrated on the field ivestigations, and laboratory experiments of the most widely spread geological district, which is the Liushuang and Kutingken formation, located at mudstones in the southwestern Taiwan. According to the MDD and OMC of soil compaction test, the remolded soil smaples with different compaction ratios were made through the period of the study. Also, all these remolded soil smaples were taken for doing saturated consolidated drained direct shear test (SCD teat) in this study. The side-slope stability analyses of the typical earth dam were conducted by using Bishop's simplified method based on the data collected from the field ivestigations and laboratory experiments. The considerations of earthquake and underground water table fluctuation were required for the stability analysis of earth dam constructed by using mudstone materials. The Interrelationships of soil parameters γ, c and φ value of the earth dam regarding to the different heights and side-elopes under the assumption with safety factor equal to 1.25 were simulated through the computer systems. It is expected that this research can provide a guide reference for the future design and construction of the small earth dam at mudstones in the southwestern Taiwan.


Earth Dam Mudstone Compaction
