  • 期刊


The Feasibility for the High-turbidity Measured Method during Typhoon Events - Tested in Nan-Shi River as an Example


本研究於南勢溪覽勝橋進行人工採樣,考慮不同颱洪事件流量差異可獲得一具有顯著相關性之SS-NTU 迴歸關係。透過福山站自動化SS 觀測與本研究獲得之SS-NTU 迴歸關係,進行潭美與麥德姆颱風的水質濁度推估,可獲得與人工採樣接近之結果,顯示本研究所提之濁度觀測推估方式,具有於颱洪高流量觀測之可行性與適用性。本研究建議之自動化觀測儀器設置方式,可獲得颱洪期間之SS 與NTU 資料,且可避免儀器遭到掩埋、流失或破壞。


Following the concentration of suspended loads converted by different peak discharges of different typhoons, a significant correlation between the concentration and turbidity of the suspended load (SS-NTU relation) sampled artificially at Lan-Sheng Bridge on Nan-Shi River could be obtained in this study. The water turbidity, which was estimated by the suspended-load concentration (SS) measured automatically and SS-NTU relation analyzed in this study, was close to the artificial sampling data during the TRAMI typhoon and MATMO typhoon at Lan-Sheng Bridge. The estimation method of water turbidity suggested in this study could be applied to estimate water turbidity during typhoon events. The setting method of the automatic instrument suggested in this study could obtain precious data during typhoon events. It also could prevent the instrument from being covered, washed away or destroyed.


Nan-Shi River SS-NTU relation turbidity
