  • 期刊


The Decay and Revival of Jingming Daoism from Ming to Early Qing Dynasty




After the reformation by Liu Yu in Yuan Dynasty, Jingming Daoism gained a good reputation and widely spread its influence. The development of Jingming Daoism fell into decay during Ming Dynasty when no master Daoist was in charge of the Jingming community. Except that Jingming temples have been donated and repaired by local government and literati, the disintegrated Jingming community could not regain its strength during this period. In Wangli period, the time when the Longsha Prophecy foretold that eight hundred immortals were coming to save the world from suffering, classics of Jingming Daoism were being composed and published to satisfy the public interest; however, no one came to fulfill the prophecy and the belief of Jingming Daoism was condemned as superstitious. It exhibited the fact that Jingming Daoism could not been revived until a stronger core group appeared. When Zhu Daolang built Qingyunpu, in which Quanzhen Daoists gathered and cultivated the internal alchemy with Jingming Daoists, Jingming Daoism soon rebuilt its core and attracted many followers responding to their religious vocation. Through an observation of Yulong Longevity Palace, Iron Column Palace and Qingyunpu and through an analysis of Taishang lingbao jingming zongjiao lu (Records of Pure and Bright Sect of the Most High, in the Lingbao Tradition), this paper aims to show the development of Jingming Daoism from Ming to early Qing dynasty and the praxis of Jingming Daoists, especially the cultivation of internal alchemy.


明‧張位:《洪陽先生老子注解》,《故宮珍本叢刊》(海口:海南出版社,2001 年)第523 冊。
清‧胡之玟等編:《淨明宗教錄》(南昌:江西人民出版社,2009 年)。
清‧彭定求纂輯,賀龍驤校勘:《道藏輯要》(臺北:考正,據淸光緖丙午年重刊本影印,1971 年)。
清‧嵇璜、曹仁虎等奉敕撰:《欽定續文獻通考》卷185,《文淵閣四庫全書》(臺北:臺灣商務,1983 年)第630 冊。
明‧王世貞:《弇州續稿》,《景印文淵閣四庫全書》(臺北:臺灣商務,1983 年)第1284 冊。
