  • 期刊


Shaping Sacredness: Images and Literature in Pu Xinyu's Guan Yu Figure Paintings




溥心畬 關公 頌讚 圖像 儒家信仰


Pu Xinyu (1896-1963), has been hailed as the master for perfect poetry, calligraphy and painting. There had been abundant papers discussing Pu and his works over the years, but few discussed his Praising Paintings. Unlike other literary forms which can be applicable to all subjects, the writings on Praising Painting were mostly described as elegant, concise, and on point, focusing on appraising characters on paintings. Therefore, a close connection forms between the characters in the painting and the writings. Praising Painting shapes various types of characters successfully by combining images, literature and calligraphy together, creating harmonious relations within them. This dissertation discusses two "Guan Yu Figure" paintings by Pu, and the texts written on these paintings. Although both depicted the same character, Mr. Pu shaped different images of Guan Yu by using different techniques and placing distinct meanings behind each painting. The texts on the two paintings reflected the way Pu interpreted the historical background and the personality of Guan Yu, as well as his own opinions on this historical figure. The relation amongst painting, literature, and calligraphy are examined together in this dissertation, exploring how Pu's family and his past learning experiences influenced his religious views and ethical values.


Pu Xinyu Guan Yu Praising Painting Confucianism


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洪淑苓:《關公民間造型之研究──以關公傳說為重心的考察》,臺北:國立臺灣大學出版委員會,1995 年。DOI:10.6327/NTUPRS-9579019746
西漢‧孔安國傳,唐‧孔穎達正義:《尚書正義》,臺北:藝文印書館,1981 年。
西漢‧毛公傳,東漢‧鄭玄箋,唐‧孔穎達正義:《毛詩正義》,臺北:藝文印書館,1981 年。
西漢‧司馬遷撰,﹝日﹞瀧川龜太郎考證:《史記會注考證》,臺北:大安出版社,2011 年。
