  • 期刊


Xunzi’s Practical Thinking of Signs


本文旨在以皮爾士(Charles Sanders Peirce, 1839-1914)實用主義(Pragmatism)方法來探討,荀子在〈正名〉所提出的「名符其實」的實效思想,企圖從中理解中國文學史中的類記號概念及其特性。為達此目的,本文透由「文獻探討法」針對荀子〈正名〉中的「名實」議題加以探討,以確切掌握其要義與內涵。其次,根據皮爾士實用主義,針對「名」的「實」的關係及其特性做一初步的分析與討論。研究結果摘述如下:荀子認為,「名」與「實」兩者若要達到「名符其實」的有效組合,則此兩者的關係必需以「經驗」與「驗證」為基礎,反之,則是「名不符實」。此一見解與皮爾士所提出的實用主義內涵具有某些程度的相仿之處,因此,可以初步判定荀子的名實思想似乎也具備了實用性質,若以記號學術語來說,荀子提出了具有實用意義的記號思想。因此,藉由本文對荀子〈正名〉記號學式的探索,原則上應可進一步體認荀子的「正名」思想除了具備了其對記號原理的見解外,也進一步說明了有效記號所需具備的特質,堪稱是全方位具備的記號基礎論述。以上理念若能再經轉化,進一步將其概念應用在設 計領域基礎研究上,或許可開拓傳統記號理論與設計領域跨領域結合應用的一個新面向。


荀子 正名 實用主義


The purpose of this study is to introduce Semiology terms and ideas of signs in relation to the theory of concept and entity from the Zheng-ming in an attempt to help people in the design field to understand the development of signs in Chinese traditional culture. For achieving the above purpose the literary analysis is applied to obtain the meanings and relevant content interpretations of the Pragmatism from Peirce’s writings with a comparative analysis methodology applied to between Semiotics and the Theory of Term and Entity from the thinking of Zheng-ming. The results of this study show two points that might be helpful in explaining how to work by applying the ideas and theories outlined for people in the field of Art and Design. First, the Theory of Term and Entity of Zheng-ming really stand for something in some respect, therefore, the Theory of Term and Entity might be called Practical Thinking of Signs in the view of the Pragmatism from Peirce . Next, the Theory of Term and Entity have some relations to the practical sign. Finally, the Theory of Term and Entity might be an applied method in the field of Art and Design.


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古添洪 (1984),《記號詩學》,台北:東大圖書股份有限公司。
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